The Evil Imp

Political Cover

Yesterday’s ‘State of the Arts’ was so utterly pointless we won’t bore you with any details, they’re aren’t any in case you were wondering. One of the attendees though was Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, allegedly.

Mr Vaizey is featured in the Guardian today saying a lot but, as per his job description, not doing a whole lot.

When asked about intervening in the idiotic cuts being made by local government to the arts he said;

“Local government knows its local people far better than central government and while I might not agree with every decision made by a local authority, I respect their right to make that decision themselves.”

Safe to say that all he’s really doing here is covering his ass so he’s not the one taking the blame for vandalising culture up and down the land. It can’t possibly be his fault, what with him being the culture minister and all that.

Normal due-dilligence protocol would, at this point, require us to get on the phone and ask some questions of the DCMS about this and ask what