SD Video Video

Jasmin Vardimon ‘Lullaby’

A central point of the recent election in the UK was health care and hospitals in this much maligned land of ours. The politicians from all sides could have done themselves a big favour and taken a long hard look at ‘Lullaby” from Jasmin Vardimon. This well established work brings us a sometimes disturbing, sometimes funny, but mostly insightful look into hospitals, medical treatment and the relationships between doctor and patient and tells us there is more to fear on the wards than MRSA.

Lullaby features some superb physical work from the dancers along with innovative (and we do mean innovative) use of video projection and live camera work. The show is also in two half’s with an interval in between so you can go get an ice cream or a piece of fruit or something!

The promotional words for this work tell us the following;

“Set in a hospital landscape, Lullaby explores our relationship with illness and hospitalisation and the effect it has on these living with it on a daily basis. New and innovative video technology is combined with dark humour, original text and live action to create this thought provoking, multi-layered show.”

Our video feature brings you seven minutes from 4 sections of the full show. You can see more video footage from Lullaby in our video interview with Jasmin Vardimon, link over to the right.

Lullaby is performed by; Mafalda Deville, Kath Duggan, Luke Burrough, Leon Baugh, Fernanda Prata with choreography by Jasmin Vardimon and music/sound design by Ohad Fishof.

The show is coming to the end of its touring life, Lullaby premiered in 2003, but you can still catch the live show until the end of June this year after which it will be put to bed for a while. Touring details are available in the listings or by visiting the company’s website.