The Evil Imp

Think of the Children

Every year (you should know who they are by now, wake up at the back), tries its very best to hawk the world’s worst christmas gifts, still featured on the site, onto their unsuspecting ‘readers’.

This years calamity of yuletide foibles includes the ‘ballet’ themed wellington boots pictured left. All yours for just £9.95. Should you choose to punish your poor little children any further you can buy a full ‘wet weather kit’ comprising an umbrella (also pink) and a transparent plastic bag which looks just about the right size for your offspring to suffocate themselves with in an unguarded moment.

The full price for this pink, ballet orientated, potential child endangerment nightmare? £18.95, what a bargain.

It is a little unclear why carries these adverts. We could find no technical way the links were being tracked for possible revenue schemes (such as click through advertising revenue, very popular on the internet at one time).

If the rest of the site is anything to go by, they just feel an overwhelming need to shovel all kinds of crap onto their readers.