HD Video Video

Second Hand Dance ‘Getting Dressed’

Dance maker Rosie Heafford and her company Second Hand Dance take to the stage with a work aimed at the younger generation and the ongoing battle, for many, of choosing not only what clothes to wear but how to put them on.

The company says this much about ‘Getting Dressed’;

Getting Dressed is a work that was inspired by watching the acrobatic sketches of adults and children take their socks off; getting stuck, falling over and putting them on the wrong way. A simple task that can be done multiple ways.

It reminded me that when I was small I had to learn how to get dressed. And that now as an adult I take for granted this simple act that presents my chosen gender and identity. Getting dressed by yourself is a huge milestone; it shows independence, technical capability, maturity and the persona we choose to present to the wider world.

In our interview with the company AD we discuss the issues faced by companies producing work specifically for children and why, often times, work for older audiences is so dark and dreary by comparison.

‘Getting Dressed’ is performed by Darragh Butterworth, Keir Patrick & Ellen Slatkin with music by James Marples & Amir Shoenfeld.

Filmed at Dance City in Newcastle upon Tyne on March 22nd 2017.

[ Company Website ]