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National Dance Company Wales ‘Grammer of Silence’

The Wales based dance smiths brought their current tour to a close in the North of England with a triple bill of three works by Itzik Galili, company dancer/choreographer Eleesha Drennan and the venerable director of Batsheva in Israel, Ohad Naharin.

On display is, for sure, a varied repertoire of works from three very different dance makers. At the core of the whole show though are 10 very strong dancers (along with two apprentices who were not on stage for this particular show). With companies like NDCW it’s all about the dancers.

The company say this much about ‘The Grammar of Silence’ by Itzik Galili;

“Fear of darkness is akin to the fear of silence which fills our imagination. Stark, dramatic light cuts into dark space like silent gaps defining narratives, mood and time. Five dance scenes suggest drama and tension of unspoken things, with the music adding its own poetry to the strident images. The Grammar Of Silence follows Romance Inverse and Peeled as Galili’s third production for NDCWales.”

As part of our feature set we bring you ‘The Grammar of Silence’ by Itzik Galili, ‘Black Milk’ by Ohad Naharin and profile interview with company dancers Eleesha Drennan and Gareth Mole including footage from Eleesha Drennan’s ‘Phantoms of Us’.

Later this week you can get a snippet of ‘B/olero’ by Ohad Naharin and an interview with company AD Anne Sholem on our podcast channel.

The work is performed by Eleesha Drennan, Annabeth Berkeley, Karol Cysewski, Camille Giraudeau, Naomi Tadevossian, Neus Gil Cortés, Lee Johnson, Gareth Mole, Ygal Tsur, Eran Gisin, Neus Gil Cortes, Josef Perou and Nicholas Bodych.

As mentioned the company are at the end of their tour for the moment but they will return in the Autumn with new works and you can catch them as part of Dance GB, check their website for details.

Filmed on May 17th 2012 at the Dance Lab in Newcastle upon Tyne.

[ Company Website ]