HD Video Video

Joss Carter ‘Salvation’

Many people on the outside of the arts think it’s a world of cushy jobs, nice salaries at the tax payers expense and day long meetings in posh arts buildings. For some that is probably true but for most it most certainly isn’t

The reality is better illustrated by independent dance maker Joss Carter. It’s a tale of an individual rallying friends and family and a local community for support, obtaining a modest amount of GFA funding from ACE and working to put on a show with hopes of future touring.

It’s world with no guarantees of anything at all.

‘Salvation’ is Joss Carter’s second work and was performed in St Mary’s Church in the tiny hamlet of Cleobury Mortimer in Worcestershire.

He tells us this much about the piece;

“This controversial concept of human identity and belonging will explore obsessed sacrificial actions and reactions to worship, depicting the insanities of various religious practices where ideologies have evolved into the rites and heritage of humanity, and devolved into cultural stigmata through an abstraction of contemporary body, mind and other artistic creations.'”

As well as footage from the work we bring you an interview with Joss Carter himself where he talks about the work and the long process behind getting it made.

At the moment there are no tour dates but keep an eye on the company website below for up and coming details .

‘Salvation’ is performed and created by Joss Carter. Filmed at St Mary’s Church in Cleobury Mortimer on December 6th 2014.

[ Company Website ]