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Eleesha Drennan Dance ‘Channel Rose’ Interview Feature

Eleesha Drennan, for many years a dancer and choreographer with National Dance Company Wales, is setting out on the long road to forging her career as a dance maker with ‘Channel Rose’ the first work created and performed under her own company name.

This full evening piece features three dancers and live music, not a common thing in the wide world of contemporary dance although many a dance maker wishes that were different.

‘Channel Rose’ is a follow up, of sorts, to Ms Drennan’s previous piece for National Dance Company Wales ‘Virtual Descent’ which you can also watch on Article19.

The company say this much about the work;

“A free spirited gypsy woman with one shoe, looking for home. A wild witch woman seeks the power of transformation, struggling for control and power. An ethereal wizard who is defined by his delicate heroism and wants nothing more than to fly….

They are intertwined in one common search for utopia: a perfect place/ no place… Along they way we imagine the impossible, unearth desire and bury it again in the earth- the very place we shall all inevitably end up one day- While we are here, let us put on rose tinted glasses and imagine a perfect place that is right here, right now scattered amongst the nothingness of everything.”

The show is up next at The Place Theatre in London with further touring expected throughout the year. Keep an eye on the company website for details.

‘Channel Rose’ is performed by Annabeth Berkeley, Kenny Wing Tao Ho and Viivi Keskinen with Simon Haram on the Saxophone and Julian Warburton on Percussion.

Filmed at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff on December 6th 2014.

[ Company Website ]
[ ‘Virtual Descent’ on Article19 ]