The Evil Imp

Forsythe Sells His Soul

OK, not really but the man who famously blew a gasket when Ballet Frankfurt were sponsored front of house by Cartier is now putting his face to Rolex watches (not literally though).

The high brow ads, running in newspapers and posh magazines, describe Wild Bill as the ‘Darwin of Dance’, which presumably means he spent several years on a rickety old boat discovering new forms of movement and singing mildly offensive sea shanties about bow legged women!

The ads go on to say that the worlds most barking mad dance maker has taken ‘Contemporary Dance where few others have gone’. Add some music and a William Shatner voice over and you have a Star Trek promo.

Mr Forsythe was unavailable for comment, a spokesman said he didn’t understand the phrase ‘selling out to the man!’ and was even less likely to comprehend ‘giving it up for some bling’.

Sources could not confirm if Charles Darwin ever sang sea shanties or if he did, just how rude they were!