HD Video Video

Verve12 ‘Vertical Road’

Verve, in case you don’t know, are the graduate dance company out of the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds. The NSCD is one of the places you go in this country if you want to learn to be a professional dancer. We are now done with patronising you, our dear readers, so we’ll move on.

This time out the company have five dance makers in tow bringing you an eclectic evening of dance work for you enjoyment. In no particular order we have Lea Anderson with ‘Dynamo’, James Cousins with ‘Dark in the Afternoon’ Milan Kozanek with ‘Let Go’, Jordan Massarella with ‘For Dear Life’ and a special re-staging of ‘Vertical road’ by Akram Khan.

Apparently, Mr Khan is some dude who trained at NSCD a while back! All of this work makes for a great evening of the thing we call “dance”. All performed by 12 superb dancers that you should expect to see in a dance company near you in about 7 to 8 months.

NSCD say this much;

“Representing emergent dance artists from across Europe are NSCD’s own postgraduate company Verve; and EDge, from fellow Conservatoire for Dance and Drama affiliate, London Contemporary Dance School. A significant year for Verve, we welcome back NSCD graduate Akram Khan to restage his most recent work, Vertical Road, on the company. The NSCD Student Shows feature our full-time students in new works created by themselves and by visiting professional choreographers.”

As well as footage from some of the rep we have two profile interviews with dancers Lucy Bourne and Eshe Blake-Bandele.

Verve12 is performed by Marine Besnard, Eshe Blake-Bandele, Anna Borrás, Lucy Bourne, Oliver Capps, Irma Carpino, Perrine Gontié, Karoline Lian Haugsdal, Marcella Piscitelli, Claire Rodemark, Tom Tindall, and Kasia Ustowska.

For tour details check their website as they are performing all over the UK and overseas.

Filmed at The Riley Theatre in Leeds on February 25th 2012. This video feature was funded in part by Arts Council England.

[ Company Website ]