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Theo Clinkard ‘Ordinary Courage’

Theo Clinkard’s company is a relative newbie in the wide world of dance having been in existence since 2012 although Mr Clinkard himself has been working (as a dancer) for almost 20 years now.

‘Ordinary Courage’ was the company’s inaugural work and has been touring on and off ever since and with this current tour is joined by Trisha Brown’s ‘Accumulation’ a work created by the American dance maker in 1971.

The company tell us this much about ‘Ordinary Courage’;

“Ordinary Courage is the inaugural work by acclaimed British dancer and designer Theo Clinkard. It features an international cast of seven, lighting design by Zerlina Hughes and an original score by Alan Stones, that incorporates Scarlatti and Bach performed live on piano. [ The Work ] uses visceral, eloquent and life affirming dance to examine the nature of loss and re-imagine the process of repair as an adventure.”

In our interview with Mr Clinkard he discusses the work and his movement style as well as detailing to struggles experienced by many independent dance makers just holding their company together from tour to tour.

‘Ordinary Courage’ is performed by Francis Christellar, Leah Marojevic, Camilla Brogaard Anderson, Luke Divall, Alessandra Ruggeri, Theo Clinkard and Cliodna Shanahan.

The company continues touring through November with a new piece called ‘Of Land And Tongue’ starting at The Point, Eastleigh on November 6th. Check the company website for additional dates.

Filmed at The Riley Theatre in Leeds on October 4th 2014.

[ Company Website ]