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Slanjayvah Danza ‘Minor Tears’

Welcome dear readers to a first time feature on Article19 with the Leeds based dance company Slanjayvah Danza and a work several years in the making ‘Minor Tears’.

Jenni Wren, the choreographer behind ‘Minor Tears’ has recently started a blog on this very website chronicling the very subject matter of this piece, dancers and their injuries. Our feature brings you the work and interviews with the dance maker and dancers.

The company tell us this much;

“Drawing on the information from Professor Helen Thomas’ enquiry “Pain and Injury in a Cultural Context” (2007) and from choreographer Jenni Wren’s own research process, the choreography exposes the athleticism, determination and elegance that professional dancers demonstrate in their work whilst hinting at the vulnerabilities they also experience.”

‘Minor Tears’ recently appeared at the Resolution festival in London and is set for continued touring later in the year, keep an eye on their website for details.

The work is performed by Azzurra Ardovini and Ioannis Tsigkrinis. Filmed at the Riley Theatre in Leeds on January 31st 2014.

You can read Ms Wren’s blog here featuring the latest piece ‘Bang’.

[ Company Website ]