The Evil Imp

Save The Arts!

Now the title of this campaign might be a little on the melodramatic side but the intention is a least honourable.

Organised by the Turning Point Network in London the idea is to get some high profile artists (whatever that means) to create work advocating the arts to politicians and joe public before they get FUBAR[ED]* in the governments spending review.

First up is an animated video by David Shrigley that explains why spending public money on art gives the country so much more than just a few galleries and poets. More to follow in the coming days and weeks.

On the the campaigns website there is also a petition to sign (electronically) that will be delivered to the DCMS Chief Bottle Washer, Jeremy Hunt, at some point.

It’s ironic to say the least that the Minister for Culture needs to be reminded of how important culture is to any country and its people, but we digress.

The campaigns website tell us this much;

The Save the Arts campaign is organised by the London branch of the Turning Point Network, a national consortium of over 2,000 arts organisations and artists dedicated to working together and finding new ways to support the arts in the UK.

The aim of the Save the Arts campaign is to encourage people to sign a petition which will be sent to the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt. It points out that it has taken 50 years to create a vibrant arts culture in Britain that is the envy of the world and appeals to the government not to slash arts funding and risk destroying this long-term achievement and the social and economic benefits it brings to all.

[ Save The Arts ]

* F*cked up beyond all recognition (‘Tango and Cash’, man we miss that movie!)