HD Video Video

Protein ‘LOL’ Interview Feature

Protein are back on tour with their latest in a long line of socially savvy works. This time the company’s creative protagonist, Luca Silvestrini, is taking aim at social networking and all of its related foibles.

As with many of Protein’s creations ‘LOL (lots of love)’ contains a hefty dose of acting from the dancers, delivering some razor sharp dialogue throughout alongside a lot of smart movement with accompaniment from a suitably “contemporary” soundtrack by Andy Pink.

This work is, and you can quote on this oh gods of marketing “pull quoting”, very very funny!

The company say this much about the work;

“Logging on to our lives online, LOL (lots of love) delves into the world of electronic communication to uncover the evolutionary shift that social networking and the internet have had upon the way we live, love one another and belong to society in general.

With video animation by Rachel Davies, lighting by Jackie Shemesh – co-creators of Protein’s Dear Body – and with an original music by Andy Pink, LOL (lots of love) mixes social comment, provocative humour and engaging performances.”

Our video feature brings you some of the work and an interview with the shows creator, Luca Silvestrini himself.

‘LOL’ is currently in the midst of a national tour with their next performance at the Curve Theatre in Leicester on February 28th. Check out the tour website for more dates.

Dancers are; Sally Marie, Fernanda Prata, Stuart Waters, Omar Gordon, Kip Johnson and Patsy Browne-Hope with choreography by Luca Silvestrini.

This show was filmed at the Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds on February 15th 2011.

[ Tour Website ]