HD Video Video

Probe Project ‘Running on Empty’

The Probe Project are a company that have been moving around the touring scene for several years now. Helmed by Antonia Grove the company makes work that mixes several mediums to come up with a whole that is strikingly different from a lot of contemporary dance work out there.

‘Running on Empty’ is no different. Featuring two dancers, Antonia Grove and Greig Cooke, along with a solo musician playing the soundtrack for the piece live on stage in the shape of Scott Smith. Behind the scenes the work has several creative contributors from writing to movement direction.

The company tell us this much about the work;

“Running On Empty is the story of a man, a woman and their encounters over time – travelling through dreams, fears and jagged memories. Absurd, humorous and sometimes devastating, Running On Empty journeys from a woman’s loss through her struggle for a future and the emptiness she must overcome to survive. How long will she keep running?”

For the current tour this work has two dates remaining on April 11th at Pays de Montbéliard in France and then in Brighton on the 6 and 7th of May, check the company website for more details.

‘Running on empty’ is performed by Greig Cooke, Antonia Grove and Scott Smith. Filmed at Dance City in Newcastle upon Tyne on March 15th

[ Company Website ]