The Evil Imp

Political Jab

US politics continues to deliver the very best in political satire with the latest cartoon from the Jib Jab crew who became famous back in 2004 with their ‘This Land’ video.

Taking it, lightheartedly, in the neck this time around are John McCain and Barack Obama, both presumptive nominees for their respective parties.

Bob Dylan takes a bow with his song ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ which has been cunningly reworked into ‘Time for Some Campaignin’ (the D has been left off on purpose so the spelling police can take it easy for a while).

Politics can be a bit dry sometimes, especially the European kind, so this type of stuff from our American contemporaries is a shot in the arm, especially during what are, depending on your point of view, historic times in US politics.

What has this got to do with dance? Nothing, but you know what, some things don’t have anything to do with dance at all!! You can watch the rest of their creation on the Jib Jab website, link below the video.

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[ Jib Jab ]