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Open Heart ‘God’s Garden’

When last we featured the work of Arthur Pita it was wrapped in the cloak that was Bare Bones Dance Company with the ‘5 Man Show’. This time out Mr Pita has cut loose with a full evenings work entitled ‘God’s Garden’.

Based on the biblical parable ‘The Prodigal Son’ (or the ‘Lost Son’) this work brings that story into a more modern era with a few twists, some live music, comedy and a light seasoning of Portuguese heritage (Arthur Pita is Portuguese).

The man himself explains the proceeding far better than we can in our interview with him (video 1) and you can catch a nice slice of the work itself in Video 2, just get clicking above.

In terms of press speak we have this much;

“Arthur Pita’s new full-length work, God’s Garden (based on the parable of The Prodigal Son) brings to life the intensity and drama of rustic village life through dance theatre, live fado music, design by designer Jean-Marc Puissant and a cast whose ages range from 26 to 82!

Set high on a hill looking over the sea lies the magnificent village of Porto Moniz, Madeira. The golden boy of the Costa family flees on his wedding day, jilting his faithful bride in order to sow his wild oats. However, when the prodigal son returns, there is much for his family to celebrate….and though the jilted bride’s tears water a hungry garden, a wronged woman must take her revenge!”

‘God’s Garden’ is performed by Diana Payne-Myers, Jose Manuel Figueira, Lorena Randi, Nuno Silva and Valentina Golfieri with live music by Phil King.

The work takes to the stage next at the Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House in London on February 11-13 and continues touring throughout the year. Check the company’s website for details.

[ Arthur Pita Website ]