SD Video Video

Mad Dogs Dance Theatre ‘Beast’

With a name like Mad Dogs Dance Theatre you can throw out any expectations of demure, wafty dance making. ‘Beast’ is a good old fashion throw-back to the days of Euro Crash, when choreography was, to be blunt, just a little bit brutal.

It’s hardly surprising considering the theme of the work which is all about rage and what happens when it takes over and the beast of the title is released.

The style of dance making is a little bit surprising however since Douglas Thorpe, the creator, has spent his time working with the likes of Arthur Pita, Javier Du Frutos and Henri Oguike, non of whom you could describe as being brutal in their dance making in any way!

The work was derived from an extended residency at Yorkshire Dance and is, as yet, not a full blown touring work. If and when it does we will let you now but for the moment you should bug Yorkshire Dance in Leeds if you want some more information about this particular creation.

‘Beast’ is also a good illustration to dance students about why you need to do your cardio work. If you don’t, you’re never going to make it to end of a work like this.

It would be great to see it extended and fully fleshed out, a great addition to the mix in the UK’s wacky world of dance.

‘Beast’ is performed by Lisa Welham, Kevin Turner, Ana Lujan Sanchez, Tiia Ourilla, Anthony Missen and Dane Hurst with music by Jaydev Mistry.