HD Video Video

Jack Webb ‘Beta Wave Transport’

Although Jack Webb may be new to Article19 in terms of video features he’s certainly not new to Article19 itself, having been a blogger here for quite some time.

No writing this time however just dance making and performing in Mr Webb’s new solo ‘Beta Wave Transport’ specially commissioned by DanceBase in Edinburgh and Dance House in Glasgow.

As he explains in the interview this work is not at all about pure dance. Rather, this particular work is more at home with the more post-modern of contemporary dance pieces.

The press release text tells us this much about the piece;

“Beta Wave Transport is an extraordinary solo from a rising new star in Scottish dance. Scrambling between the jellylike mass of the subconscious mind to the destruction of the tamed man, it is a breeding ground for the freedom of body, mind and instinct.”

Also during interview Jack tells us about creating the new work, the life of a freelance independent dance maker and living and working in the frozen north (Scotland).

This performance was filmed on August 19 2011 at DanceBase in Edinburgh as part of their ‘Home of Dance’ season for the Fringe.

Interview conducted by Susan Cunningham

[ Company Website ]

Production of this video was supported in part by Arts Council England.