SD Video Video

Irven Lewis ‘No Time’

The third feature from the recent Big Mission Festival brings Irven Lewis Dance Theatre back onto the pages of Article19 with a new solo work, in progress, called ‘No Time’.

Performed by dancer Natalie James and a soundtrack by Bridget Gray, this work is a deft observation of the relationship between Hip Hop culture and women, not pulling any punches in the process.

It’s a clever blend of precision choreography and the spoken word, taking to task the apparently rampant misogyny in certain aspects of the Hip Hop music scene.

‘No Time’ is radically different to the last work we featured by Mr Lewis, ‘Ignite’ some three years ago, but shows in equal measure the dance making skills and attention to detail that have been over looked in the wider world of dance.

Perhaps this work will signal a turning point in wider support, both financial (we’re looking at you ACE) and in terms of getting the work into theaters!

The piece was billed as a work in progress so expect a lot more to come when the work is finished. There are no touring details at present but we will keep you up to date if any new information comes in.

‘No Time’ is performed by Natalie James with sound and music by Bridget Gray, choreography by Irven Lewis and Natalie James.