HD Video Video

Hagit Yakira Dance ‘In The Middle With You’

Israeli dance maker Hagit Yakira has been creating work with her company since 2007. Based in the UK she has created seven works for the company along with numerous commissions for other companies and youth groups in this country and overseas.

The current touring work is ‘In The Middle With You’ a piece for five dancers that eschews narrative and strict technical shape making in favour of more relaxed style of movement.

The company tell us this much about the piece;

“This poignant piece delves in the nature of human experience. At times light and playful, at times stark and entrancing, the choreography moves us in very personal ways. Live music and a cast of five dancers, lure audiences in, with personal stories of love, friendship, loss and life, energy and physicality to take us to a more muted and abstract experience that becomes highly intimate. Uplifting and inspiring,…in the middle with you makes an emotional poem of the every day life.”

We bring you footage from the work along with an interview with ms Yakira where we discuss creating, travelling and keeping it together when running a small dance company.

‘In the Middle With You’ is currently touring across the UK until he end of June, check the company website for full touring details.

Performed by Takeshi Matsumoto, Sophie Arstall, Mariana Camiloti, Ben McEwen and Kiraly Saint Claire.

The work was filmed during a technical run, the dancers are not shown in costume.

Filmed at Lincoln Drill Hall, Lincoln on March 10th 2015.

[ Company Website ]