SD Video Video

Galili Dance ‘six’

Our second feature from Galili Dance of Holland features the work ‘Six’. As you might expect there are six dancers in the work but also, as you would not expect at all, 5 dancers pushing large black boards around.

The boards have the effect of breaking the space up into smaller segments so the dancers can appear or disappear at will. A signature part of Itzik Galili’s dance making involves precision timing to the music which is in evidence throughout this piece.

Also in evidence is the superb lighting design that gives Peter Mumford (of Siobhan Davies Dance Company fame) a run for his money. Many dance works are ruined by poor lighting but in the Dutch company’s pieces the design is spot on (I sincerely hope that wasn’t a pun? Ed!

As the company’s own press blurb states, the dancers never stop, continuing to move throughout the 16 minute work, barely even pausing for breath.

In press speak the company tells us this much;

“Through an ever changing architectural ‘modernist’ landscape bursts human energy, warmth and earthy passion. The dancers move incessantly, playing with form, structure and time – a visually beautiful work to mesmerize and carry you far away.

The accent is on the position of the individual in space. With this, Galili refers to two elements often used in his work through different means – perspective and perception.”

You can catch this work live in the UK at the Taliesin Arts Centre in Swansea, Wales. The company perform in Holland on December 6th. Check their website for details

‘six’ is performed by Gaetano Badalamenti, Leonardo Centi, Arnaud Macquet, Marco Purcaro, Aimee Lagrange, Jahana Lemarchand, Natalie Rodina, Silvia Albanese Valle, Helena Volkov and Natalia Zinchenko with choreography by Itzik Galili. Music by Steve Reich.