HD Video Video

Errol White Company ‘I AM’

As a dancer Errol White has been there and done that with companies like Phoenix Dance Theatre, Scottish Dance Theatre and National Dance Company Wales. Now though he’s put the dance maker hat on and his company’s latest touring work is ‘I AM’.

The company itslef is a curious animal mainly because it’s based in Scotland and dance companies are a little thin on the ground, as are people in general. The tartan state is not what you would call “populated”.

Despite that the company turns in some strong dance making with their latest creation.

They say this much about ‘IAM’

“Under the pressure of sound and light iam follows a group of dancers as they discover the very nature of one another through the fabric of their own personal histories. Intimate duets weave between each other probing for surfaces and space: taking the audience on a journey through a world of fractured timelines charged with clarity and power. Errol White Company is an articulate and committed ensemble, producing work of a high quality with an emphasis on authentic movement vocabulary. Using the vocabulary of the body as an abstract language to engage and connect emotionally with the audience.”

Our feature brings you an interview with Errol White along with material from the show and two profile interviews with dancers Joanne Pirrie and Nicholas Keegan.

The work continues to tour until the end of march, all in Scotland, with plans for further touring after that. Check the company’s website for details.

‘IAM’ is performed by Corey Barker, Rebecca Cameron, Freya Jeffs, Nicholas Keegan, Eleanor Leech, Joanne Pirrie, Errol White and Davina Givan with choregraphy by Arrol White and Davina Givan. Music is by Tiago Cerqueira

Filmed at The Tramway Theatre in Glasgow on March 3rd 2012. This video feature was funded in part by Arts Council England.

[ Company Website ]