HD Video Video

Emio Greco | PC ‘La Commedia’

While in the sunny, albeit cold, climes of Oslo for the 2012 Coda dance festival we happened upo this, the latest performance from Emio Greco | PC, ‘La Commedia’.

The work, created by Mr Greco and Pieter C. Scholten (the PC from the company title), brings the thematic construction of the circus ring to explain, sort of, the Dante cycle of the company’s recent works.

The company say this much;

“In this new creation, the worldwide known choreographers Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten show their comical side. La Commedia presents the highlights of their award-winning Dante-cycle and stirs it up with a circus ring in which the dancers account for the seven days of the week, which also represent the seven mortal sins. This glorious contemporary dance performance has a broad audience appeal, suitable for children and young people as well as adults.”

Our video features include the work itself and an interview with one half of the creative duo, Emio Greco.

‘La Commedia’ is performed by Ty Boomershine, Victor Callens, Dereck Cayla, Vincent Colomes, Sawami Fukuoka, Emio Greco, Neda Hadji-Mirzaei, Suzan Tunca, Jesus de Vega Gomez with choreography by Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten.

Check the company’s website for further touring details.

Filmed at Dansens Hus, Oslo, Norway on October 19, 2012. Video produced in association with the Coda Oslo International Dance Festival.

[ Company Website ]