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Charles Linehan Co. ‘The Fault Index’

Time to kick back with a cold drink on a comfy sofa because Charles Linehan is back with two new works in the dance makers signature, very laid back style.

Nothing happens in a hurry in Mr Linehan’s world and ‘The Fault Index’ and ‘The Clearing’ are no exception, you can practically feel the pace being measured as the work progresses from one deftly created slice of movement to the next.

‘The Clearing’ was originally commissioned by Dance Umbrella in 2010 as a site specific but has been trimmed and re-worked for life on the road. So if you know the work from before, check it out again for a different take, you know you want to.

Both works feature specially commissioned scores.

The company say this much;

“The Fault Index is a series of connected and unconnected incidents. Juxtaposed along ‘fault lines’, the random alignment of where the episodes fall underpins the themes of displacement, discontinuity and unity. At its heart is a bedrock of ensemble pieces that weave together disparate and independent choreographic elements in a percussive and spirited tour de force.

In The Clearing, slow transformations evolve within a complex weave of interlocking melodies, off-rhythms and beautiful sonorities. A commissioned score by Richard Skelton features in a sonic and lighting environment that is unique to each setting.”

‘The Fault Index’ and ‘The Clearing’ are performed by Luke Birch, Theo Clinkard, Grieg Cooke, Claire Cunningham, Rachel Lopex de la Nieta and Rahel Vonmoos.

For more of Mr Linehan’s work on Article19 hit up the links below.

You can catch the final leg of the company’s tour at ThePlace in London on May 19th, check ThePlace’s website for more details.

[ Verve 11 ]
[ Dance Theatre Ireland ]
[ Charles Linehan on Article19 ]