HD Video Video


Drawing inspiration from his multicultural melting pot, choreographer Sang Jijia has created a tremendous, complex, and beautiful work for 10 dancers. The production Not here/Not ever premiered at the Bergen International Festival and is the first encounter between a Tibetan-Chinese choreographer and a Nordic contemporary dance company. The various scenes tell short stores awakening wonder and joy.

Dancers: Jennifer Dubreuil Houthemann, Núria Navarra Vilasaló, Sara Enrich Bertran, Núria Guiu Sagarra, Nicole von Arx, Timothy Bartlett, Hugo Marmelada, Mathias Stoltenberg, Christopher Flinder Petersen, Simbarashe Norman Fulukia. publish on Sunday October 6th, 2013

This performance was recorded at the Coda Oslo International Dance Festival in Oslo Norway during the 2103 festival. Coda is a biannual gathering featuring dance companies and a huge array of dance performances from across the world.